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Production of multi-head embroidery for digitization

4 must known problems!

There are two types of machines multi-head and single head. Both the machines are the same but there working procedures are different. If we talk about multi-head machines, then you’ll be meeting many difficulties.  In both cases single head and double head, Both situations are the same:

  • If the problem is evident on all sewing starts, then the result will be published to digitizing.
  • If the query is evident on a single head, then there is a prospect of a manufacturing problem.

Some General Observations

Following are some of the general conclusions:

  • condition of the machine depends if your machine is in great condition, then there will be no doubt. But in fact, leaving the bulk of the multi-head machine’s pantograph provides growth to many problems for the digitizer. See this because many devices are more reliable as contrasted to others.
  • The kind of needlework is similar to the accuracy of the pantograph. Movement on by the connection in all active elements on the embroidery device. An authority programmer will be notified of this issue. And will change the pattern to change the properties of a particular device.

One of the required changes done by the embroidery digitizing service. Will be joining a few extra work results to the device targeted for the multi-head machine. Recognize that a multi-head machine needs to turn extra pieces when running the pantograph. This is necessary to pay for somewhat deeper lines in states having set enrollment.

According to skillful help, to make the best-digitized embroidery patterns, it is needed to improve the plan even if you are doing two like multi-head images on a similar product level and moving the identical digitized embroidery pattern.

  • Cheap digitizing will change the performance of both single-head machines and multi-head devices. Only when we are running on the multi-head device, then challenges are increased with the abundance of heads.


Difficulties Due to Cheap Digitizing

Let’s review the four obstacles due to cheap digitizing when building digitized embroidery patterns. Here we go one, recognize that if the challenge is by one head, then it will be a production problem and if an obstacle survives in all heads, then the challenge will be linked to digitizing as explained earlier.

1.     Thread Damage

One of the main problems created due to bad digitizing is the thread damage. When digitizing is so bad, this condition occurs. Furthermore, when the plan is overly thick and stitches are tied very close, thread damage occurs.

2.     Trims

You require examining the query. There can be two conditions as noted below:

  • The query can be stitch draw off that starts to stretch out when a string gets out of the needle through the trim method.
  • The string may crack at the end of the trim.


3.    Tightness

Some signs will be noticeable on both multi-head and single-head embroidery devices but are restricted due to the impression of bad digitizing. The signs involve:

  • The idea of white thread on the height of the pattern
  • Bird-nesting 

4- Registration

Registration difficulty occurs when the edge is it grain, satin, exercise, or extra stitches do not join by an operation that is thought to be caught. Greatest of the time, this difficulty is associated with digitizing but over gets the two situations. 


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